
Yoga at Anse Chastanet

Our yoga instructors are qualified and well trained with great expertise, knowledge and experience from all over the world.

In our yoga classes you will find a flowing pose format with a focus on the alignment that is right for you, emphasizing that there is no one perfect way to do Yoga, only YOUR perfect way. Along with this comes guided calming visualizations, movement with the breath, and helpful hints to assist you into your fullest expression of the Yoga asanas, or poses.

The classes are noncompetitive and open to complete beginners, as well, more challenging variations are offered to more experienced students. Our yoga instructors are available for private Yoga sessions which are excellent if you have chronic physical pain or chronic mental stress, and would like to learn some techniques to take home with you for relief, as well as if you are a more focused Yoga student and would like to evolve your practice to a deeper level! So come check out a Yoga class while you are on vacation and enhance your relaxation and rejuvenation experience!

A session with our yoga instructors will surely complement your time in St. Lucia!

Biography - Laura

Laura is a yogi, yoga and meditation instructor as well as a physical therapist. She was born in Estonia but she grew up in Sweden. Over the past seven years she has lived, worked, taught and studied around the globe, from Indonesia to Spain.

She has been practicing yoga and meditation since she was a teen. The therapeutic effect on her created an interest in deepening her knowledge. When she finished high school she went to South and Central America where she followed through a guided meditation course in Guatemala. Following her travels her interest grew and during her physiotherapy university studies she went to Rishikesh, India to do the Meditation and Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course. She returned to university with the wish to introduce yoga and the therapeutic side of it to the university. She wrote her bachelor’s thesis about yoga as a therapeutic treatment. Laura’s most recent yoga journey took her to Bali, where she followed through another training for teachers with her gurus and disciples of both yoga legends Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar.

After the teacher training in both India and Bali, Laura’s style expanded. Her classes today are based on a Vinyasa Yoga style with focus on alignment, breath work and clarity of the mind to ultimately create balance in the physical, mental and spiritual body. She always adapts every class so it is relaxing, meditative, energizing and breaks down challenging asanas (positions) so they are accessible but still fun for every level, from beginner to advanced.

The following services can be booked with Laura through our spa or concierge:

  • Private yoga classes (see “Yoga Menu”)
  • Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage and Fusion massage
  • Einstein massage, Foot massage
  • Romance Ritual, Couples Massage
  • Aromatherapy associates: De-stress Muscle Massage and Summer skin cooler
  • Chocolate treatments: Mocha massage, Hot Candle massage, Chocolate citrus body polish, Chocolate Delight body treatment
  • Ayurveda treatments: Shirodhara
  • Physiotherapy Session

Physiotherapy can help restore movement and function to the body following injury, disease or disability. Using scientifically proven techniques, a session is comprised of an assessment, exercises and personalized treatment plan. Whether you are looking to regain range of motion and function in the body, or are wanting to optimize posture, endurance, range of motion and/or strength, physiotherapy is a guided way to reach your goals. Sessions can be done on their own, or added to a private yoga class. 35 minutes – US 70


The following yoga activities are available on request.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga is a series of asanas (yoga poses) that are synchronized with inhalations and exhalations, creating a mind and body strengthening sequence. The synchronized breathing relaxes your mind and helps to release any blockage of energy flow throughout your body. The breath will become stronger and faster and so will the movements that will produce sweat and expel toxins. There will be a short consultation before the class so that it will be designed for you, so that you get the best possible experience.

Couples Yoga

Yoga asanas (poses) that are shared with your loved one, not only a great way to connect with your partner but also a great way to have fun together. You will learn how to communicate effectively by letting each other know how you feel and also to ensure that the amount of force you are using is comfortable for your loved one.

Meditation and Pranayama

Meditation is the medicine of the mind, a practice in which an individual trains to calm the mind and bring forth a more present consciousness. It is not always easy to accomplish this by yourself, and therefore a guided meditation is an excellent way to give a break to the busy mind. The class is a guided meditation in which a practitioner follows the mental instructions given by the teacher. Pranayama means to control of the breath or the vital energy. Pranayama is just as important and beneficial as yoga asanas and meditation. Pranayama consists of meditative breathing techniques that will help to calm and strengthen the mind and centre the self, and assists with the meditation practice.

A hike finished with yoga

Enjoy a beautiful hike, with medium intensity, either in the morning or the afternoon that finishes with a refreshing mind and body calming yoga session in the open air, one with nature. The hike will begin on the beach, from there we will gradually hike up along the trails and finish with a slow yoga practice that is suitable for everybody on a open air deck located high up on Morne Chastanet mountain overlooking the sea and the beautiful Pitons. The view is spectacular and the location is very serene and quiet, complementing the yoga session to perfection.

Biography - Nelson

Nelson was born in Kerala, in the southern part of India. Since childhood he experienced yoga, meditation and traditional Ayurvedic treatments. For the last eleven years Nelson has been practicing and teaching yoga.

Nelson completed his yoga courses with a Subramanian Master from Parivrajakacarya Yoga Vedanta Mission, Kannur University. He holds a University degree in Yogic science and Indigenous Health Care. In addition to his classic studies, Nelson has experienced yoga classes on the shore of the River Ganges in Northern India and different Ashrams in Southern India including Sivananda Ashram. He has recently completed a Yoga Alliance from Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga Mysore. Nelson is also a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner and Reflexologist.

Nelson was introduced to an authentic style of Hatha Yoga at Bihar University by Guru Shirish and has since worked in some of the most renowned resorts in India.

Nelson has extensive training, knowledge and skills in Asanas, Pranayama, Shatkarmas (six acts of yoga) and yoga philosophy. His attention to alignment, breathing principles and proper sequencing of postures brings depth and balance to his yoga classes. Also known for his different and authentic Indian Yoga styles, his unique teaching style and compassion-centred philosophy create unique Yoga experiences.

The following services can be booked with Nelson:

  • Foot Reflexology
  • Swedish Massage
  • Deep Tissue
  • Shirodhara
  • Dosha Balancing
  • Indian Head massage

The following yoga activities are available on request.

Introduction to Yoga

This beginner yoga session is an introduction to yoga which consisting of yoga postures (asanas), gentle stretching, breathing techniques and relaxation, as well as an introduction to yoga philosophy and meditation. This gentle practice will give you a firm foundation for your yoga journey, perfect for students who have never practiced yoga before and also for those returning to yoga after a break.

This class teaches yoga postures that can be used as potent tools to enhance health, joy, peace, love, success and inner exploration, helping one cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize the full potential in all spheres of life.


For a balanced state of mind and body. A specially designed Yoga session, in which ‘Equal Emphasis’ is given to Postures (Asanas), Breath (Pranayamas), Gestures of Energy Flow (Mudras) and Awareness of Mind (Meditation). The basic intention is to bring about a harmony in the Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual aspects of the practitioner.

Advanced Surya Namaskar

For a complete energisation of the body. Bring out your inner radiance with this, ancient sequential practice of Yoga that pays tribute to the Sun, a symbol of radiance and spiritual consciousness. An effective way to loosen up, stretch, massage and tone all joints, muscles and internal organs of the body. Done with advanced Awareness of Movements, Breath and special Sound Vibrations (Mantras), which activate the energy centers (Chakras) thereby energising the body-mind system. A group of 12 dynamic Asanas form the physical matrix around which the practice is woven. Wrap up this invigorating session with a short relaxation practice.

Detox Through Yoga

These are practices of purification given in Hatha Yoga to purify and prepare the body for more advanced form of Yoga practices. Shatkarma practices are excellent in alleviating disease and several chronic respiratory and digestive ailments. They also work on a psychological level to impart an inner feeling of lightness and well- being.


Meditation refers to the state of mind where the body is consciously soothed and relaxed, while the mind is made calm and composed. Since ancient times, it is believed that meditation restores harmony, and rejuvenates and heals the mind, allowing it to release stress and fatigue. Meditation helps to remove the subtle mental barriers within ourselves and presents a better understanding of our personality, thought processes and our surroundings.

Yoga Body Works and Stretches

We work in the belief that tightened muscles can lead to the diminished flow of energy in your body. When energy can’t flow freely, you can become inflexible, suffer pain and feel stiff. Overtime, this can lead to shortened muscles and connective tissue that affects your posture, immunity and organ function — all of which can speed up aging and disability.

This session consists of a series of interactive movements, stretches and rhythmic massage along the body’s energy lines and pressure points. It is a radically relaxing and deeply revitalizing form of energy- balancing bodywork, uniquely blending assisted yoga postures, stretches, breath techniques and traditional Thai massage techniques into a blissfully integrated experience.

Couples Yoga with Yoga Nidra

Couples yoga with a yogic relaxation session to help unblock stuck emotions and take you both through a more compassionate relationship with one another as well as a deeper connection to yourself and the world. The program will include interactive yoga postures, stretching, breath work and yogic relaxation practice. Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the “going-to-sleep” stage. You are exposed to inner awareness and brought to a place where you can communicate with the subconscious and the higher consciousness. The session leaves the body and mind relaxed and heightens one’s senses, especially those of hearing and feeling.

Pranayama mudras and bandhas

A Yoga technique to control our breathing that can result in an increase of the flow of energy within ourselves. While Mudras are best described as devotional and aesthetic gestures lined with emotions, Bandhas refer to a psychic action of locking prana (life force) in certain areas of the body. With Pranayama you learn to control the intake and outflow of breath which teaches a better understanding of how to connect body and mind.

Biography - Chamu

Chamu is a Yogi, Rehab, Corrective exercise specialist, and a HolisticWellness practitioner from India. She graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy and went on to earn her Masters in Yogic Science and Naturopathy. She is an International Yoga Alliance registered E-RYT 500 and RPYT 100 (Pre-natal Specialist) teacher trainer. She has 16 years of extensive experience working in a number of different Yoga schools and colleges, Fitness centers,Wellness Resorts, and Corporates in India, Qatar, and St Lucia.

In India, while working over 10 years with Dr.Asana \ College of Yoga and Research center, a popular yogic healing center and college in south India, she was a teacher trainer for Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) for Hatha and Naturopathy with students from all over the world coming to India. During this time through planned Yoga Therapy sessions she helped patients recover from various functional/postural issues, injuries, Sciatica, Diabetes, Hypertension, Migraine,Anxiety and depression, Paralysis, Menstrual and hormonal disorders, Digestive and Respiratory disorders, Constipation, and various other disease ailments.

Her passion for learning and expanding her skills in Physical therapy have led her to participate in continuing education courses in Pilates Mat and Reformer, Prehab and Rehabilitation, Posture and functional corrective exercise, Hydrotherapy,Variety of Meditation techniques, and Reiki.

Over the last 5 years of working experience in leading wellness resorts in Qatar and ST Lucia, she gained more intense experience providing care and wellness regimens for clients with a variety of orthopedic, post-surgical, sports injuries, neurological issues, yoga therapy for all disease conditions.

Chamu’s sessions are result-oriented, focused on the needs of the clients, designing customized wellness regimens that conformed to the client’s fitness level and desired results. She works with each client individually and teaches her techniques to ensure they can continue their wellness journey further. Her expertise and services include;

  • Yoga – Hatha,Ashtanga,Vinyasa, Shivananda, Bikram, Iyengar, Power,Anusara,Aqua,Aerial, Sculpt, Strap, Stick,Yoga Therapy and Pre & Post-Natal Yoga
  • Pilates Mat and Reformer
  • Posture correction, Injury prevention and pain management
  • Prehab and Rehabilitation
  • Breath work – All Pranayama Techniques
  • Reiki, Pranic healing and Chakra Balance
  • Medical Massage Therapy – Maderotherapy,Accupressure, Shiatsu, Myofascial Release,Thai Yoga Massage,Vagal Nerve Stimulation
  • Meditation – Guided, Cyclic, Sound, Candle Light/Sun gazing, Walking meditation
  • Physical fitness – Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility